Shade of the magnolia

Magnolia in bloom

Well, it finally happened.

Summer is here!

Just . . . kidding? I mean, it was 90 degrees in Maryland yesterday — and snowing three weeks ago. So, basically, I don’t know what’s going on anymore. It’s been in the 80s all week, and I guess tomorrow it’s due to “cool down” into the 70s.

I know I shouldn’t complain — and I’m not, really. I mean, I’ll take the magnolias in bloom over sleet-covered roads any day. I’m just so thankful spring is here.

We went out to Georgetown on Saturday, wandering with our photography club, and I thought about how good it feels to just be . . . out. Walking around. Since losing weight, I just feel lighter — lighter in body, lighter in spirit. I didn’t worry about how far we were walking and whether we could weave our way back, because I knew I could do it. That my body could handle it. That it was a challenge I could accept.

So we walked down to this tree on M Street, near a tiny museum, and our large group of friends and photographers stood in its shade. We spotted it from down the street — the only thing really in bloom back then, a whole five days ago — and waited until the crowds began to break. Tourists and locals flocked to the magnolia, determined to capture their family beneath its weighty branches, and it took a bit for a clear shot — but I got it.

And it felt like a fresh beginning. Spring means beginning again.

15 thoughts on “Shade of the magnolia

  1. Beautiful picture! Our weather is similar in ATL; went straight from freeze warnings to sunburned noses. Everyone is on spring break this week too, so we are certainly feeling the change of the seasons.


    • Hi Katie! I belong to the Calvert Photography Club in Maryland, which just started out as a group of friends getting together to talk about our favorite hobby. We meet once a month for presentations on all sorts of photography-related subjects (software, portraits, wildlife photos, etc.), then go on organized photo trips around the D.C. area together. We have a great time! Many of my Wordless Wednesday posts come from our excursions! 🙂


  2. We don’t get spring in Florida. It goes from cold to hot in a week’s time. We do still get a burst of flowers that bloom in the spring. This tree of yours is gorgeous.


  3. Lucky you; any kind of warm would make me happy. Not a Magnolia bloom in sight, nor a daffodil either. Just the Crocus! We are going backwards here with freezing temps predicted for tomorrow. I had to bring in the few plants I’d put outside this week.


  4. I love magnolia *o* In Milano I have seen the most beautiful magnolia trees 🙂 i wish the weather would also look so beautiful here in Germany. It seems like we have skipped spring and summer, and are having autumn now again :/


  5. Oh I so miss my work photography club!! I should look around our area to see if there’s anything that exists like this.

    I LOVE spring but I also LOVE fall. Both of them represent change to me and it just feels so refreshing. That magnolia is beautiful. We must have a different variety down here because we’ll get the occasional bloom but not like that!


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