And our Trafalgar destination is . . .

{Photo by Alain Picard}

Considering I spend most of my day at my desk, I look at its cluttered surface often. There are the snow globes on my right from New York, London, California; little things I pick up on vacations so I can daydream when I’m workin’ 9-to-5. I have my page-a-day book calendar and stack of postcards I’ve received through Postcrossing. In my drawers are stickers, contraband candy, breakfast food and stacks of job-related paperwork. Chapstick. Old notes from features I finished and pay stubs.

For better or worse, this is my natural habitat. I am a writer. I sit at a computer all day, glancing up at some of the natural light filtering in, and perch at my desk with my Diet Coke and pens. It has been this way always. And I wonder if it will always be this way.

Most of the time, I don’t mind — I mean, I am who I am. I like my job. But when winter slips off its heavy coat to reveal spring, all fresh and sparkly clean, I start thinking about getting away (on vacation, that is). Time for a change of scenery — and a change of pace. Time for something new.

And that’s just what I’ll get in May — when we’re in San Francisco.

After much discussion, Spencer and I finally decided on a vacation destination for the spring: Northern California! Though I’ve been to the Golden State a few times, it was usually to the Los Angeles/San Diego area. San Francisco is one of my dad’s favorite places on Earth, and I grew up hearing stories of his visits. My parents honeymooned there in 1980, and we went as a family a few times when I was young. But it’ll be totally different seeing it as an adult with a camera and handsome guy on her arm. I’m stoked.

Thanks to the lovely folks at Trafalgar, our tour stops include San Francisco, Sonoma Valley, Napa Valley, Sacramento, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park, San Juan Bautista, Carmel and Monterey. We’ll be taking walking tours, gazing at waterfalls, drinking wine, riding in a hot air balloon (scary but awesome) and generally whiling away the week or so we’ll be gone. I’m ecstatic and very thankful to have been given this opportunity, which I won through Trafalgar’s “WOW!” contest last fall. The surprise of a lifetime.

I see another awesome snow globe in my future. And many, many Wordless Wednesday posts.

25 thoughts on “And our Trafalgar destination is . . .

  1. YESSSSS! My husband and I have been to Napa/Sonoma four or five times (once for a wedding anniversary) and two summers ago we took the kids to Yosemite for a week and a half. They would tell you it was the best vacation they have ever had. You are going to have a BALL!!!!!


  2. I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time. My sister lives in Sonoma County and it is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been, especially in the spring. Plus, in San Francisco, there’s Ghirardelli Square, which smells like chocolate! (They also sell lots of chocolate there.) Have fun!


    • I’ve heard only good things, Meredith, and you got me with the mention of chocolate! Perhaps a little snack for the plane ride back . . .


  3. Hooray, hooray! I’ve spent some time in San Fran and Sonoma but none of the other places you mentioned. I am obsessed with Monterey because it seems to be the subject of many-a-song. And I can imagine that Yosemite is incredible. I can’t wait to see and hear more about your travels 🙂


  4. Tahoe is my home, and so incredibly gorgeous (and I was actually born in Sac). I hope you enjoy seeing it! I’m not living there full-time anymore, so I’m looking forward to seeing some of your beautiful photos of the area. 🙂


    • Europe definitely held strong appeal, Juju, but the combination of expensive overseas airfare and a feeling that we should just stick closer to home made me feel like California was the right decision. And hey, this way I can continue to dream of Paris — and will get there someday! And I can post photos from the trip while on the trip, since I can use my iPhone. That’s pretty exciting, too. 🙂


  5. How fun, Meg! Congratulations on winning the contest. Northern California – and San Francisco in particular – is a favorite destination for my family and I. We go up at least once a year. And hopefully I’ll be heading up for NaNo this November. Enjoy your trip in May!


  6. I think that you have made an awesome choice…we lived there for a few years and it remains our favorite place on earth…I love northern California!!!


  7. Sounds like an amazing trip!! Jason and I talked about San Fransisco being our next trip. I think the furthest west we’ve gone is Chicago, LOL. I’ll keep an eye out for your posts about San Fran!


  8. Great choice! I have been to San Fran a few times on business but never got to tour the area. And yeah, I want to go back, it was beautiful there. I’ll be waiting for your photos.


  9. EEEE! My brother and his family live outside of San Francsico — it’s an area I could keep exploring. Have a fabu time — Dashiell Hammett lived and wrote in SF, Robert Louis Stevenson did as well (there’s a great monument to him in Chinatown), plus two fabulous Diego Rivera murals can be found there. I can go on and on — should you need any recommendations do let me know! 🙂


  10. I am so excited you picked Northern California! You can’t go wrong here and if you need any tips on places to go or were to eat or drink just drop me a line!


  11. oh my goodness! it sounds like you have a wonderful trip ahead of you. hope you and spencer have the time of your lives. i can’t wait to see all the wonderful pictures in wordless wednesday and hear all about it!


  12. What a great destination! I dream of visiting California, I have never seen this part of the US. I, too, foresee many Wordless Wednesday posts in your future 🙂


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