Musing Mondays: OMG Twilight!

musing_mondays This week’s Musing Mondays question from its new home at Just One More Page:

How do you feel about wide-spread reading phenomenons — Harry Potter, for instance, or the more current Twilight Saga? Are these books so widely read for a reason, or merely fads or crazes? Do you feel compelled to read — or NOT to read — these books because everyone else is?

Well, how incredibly topical is this?! Especially since I’m still riding ridiculously high from my Twilight-filled weekend (much more to come on that later, either to your joy or dismay).

I’ll be the first one to tell you I don’t usually jump in with the hype. Even when practically everyone I knew was reading the Harry Potter series — including my dad and sister — I stubbornly refused to read them, even though I never stopped hearing good things about them. My only rationale was that I didn’t “like” that type of book, and I thought, stupidly, they were just for children. I actually read the entire series last summer — books one through seven, all in a row — beginning around April and ending last September, after Deathly Hallows came out. I initially started reading them as we were gearing up for the midnight release party of book seven last July at my bookstore job; I wanted to be excited like everyone else was. And once I started reading them, pushing straight through, I loved it. I felt silly that I’d put it off for so long.


The same is (mostly) true of Twilight — I’d heard customers buzzing about the series randomly over the past few years, but never paid much attention. I don’t typically read anything with a science fiction / fantasy / mystery slant, and all anyone had to do was say the word “vampire” and I was out. But as we got ready for the midnight release of Breaking Dawn in August — and I found myself as mistress of ceremonies once again — I wanted to be excited about the release and be able to discuss the books with customers. So I bought Twilight around June, hunkered down with all three books and read and read and read. Then, of course, I got to wait around for the fourth and final book with everyone else — although I waited considerably less time. And I loooooved them (OMG EDWARD CULLEN! lol lol), despite the fact that I wasn’t necessarily in the targeted “age bracket” anymore. (And for the record, I have several good friends in their forties and fifties who have read and adored the series, too!)

To some extent, I guess these books are “fads” — just in the way that popular things can only stay popular for so long. I don’t believe the Twilight Saga has the staying power that the Harry Potter franchise does, mostly because Twilighters are a certain demographic (women) and Harry Potter appeals more to both genders. Plus, they’re just much better written with much more dynamic, interesting plots (sorry, Stephenie Meyer). But Twilight had a dramatic pull for me — something absolutely compelled me to read like the wind, dying to figure out the fate of, basically, two star-crossed lovers. There’s an emotional element to them that surprised me. I know many people don’t agree, but that’s what’s great about art — we all draw from it what we want to draw. And though the books can only fly off the shelves for so long before something new breaks in and draws the attention away, readers will continue to discover these book series long after we’ve stopped hearing about them daily.

4 thoughts on “Musing Mondays: OMG Twilight!

  1. I was just like you. Heard the rumblings of people talking about Twilight and vampires and was out. Not my style. But then a friend literally forced me into reading the series and I was hooked. Is it weird to be in love with a fictional character? 🙂

    I’ve still not read the Harry Potter series though. Made it through the first book and a half and could not stand the Dobby character. Maybe I should give it another try… maybe.


  2. It’s not at all strange to be in love with a fictional character! I’d venture to say that many of us are. 🙂 It’s hard not to fall in love with some of the characters in the Twilight Saga! Or just one in particular! 🙂

    I started the first Harry Potter book when my dad and sister were beginning the series themselves and wasn’t interested at all — but then I tried again a few years later and loved it. Sometimes it depends on where we are in our lives, too, I think! I needed something light and slightly escapist, and that’s what I found at Hogwarts. Maybe you will try again someday, poppyseed!

    And you’re right, Kathy — teens reading is a beautiful thing!


  3. to be honest…i friggin luv twilight and yes, twilight had me loving the fictional chracter in the book, the bad ass vampire named james…stephenie meyer had me actually doing something i’ve never done
    b-4…she made me love the bad guy and I praise her for that! the ,movie wasn’t bad either, they could’ve put a little more in it but I liked it…and of course, James was soooooooooooooooo cute in the movie! when he came out of the forest when they were playing base ball, I was the only one cheering for him and every one was looking at me like I was krazii! hahahaha!

    but, harry potter, haven’t read it…it never caught my eye like twilight did…


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