Musing Mondays: Planning ahead

musing_mondays A chilly Monday here in Maryland! Here’s this week’s question:

How long do you wait after finishing a book before you pick/start another one? How many books do you have planned ahead or do you pick up random books from your tbr pile (if you have one)? Do you review right away or keep reading and come back to it later?

I’m pretty obsessive-compulsive about this — I always have another book lined up to be read. Typically I set down the book I’ve most recently finished and immediately pick up the next one, usually a novel I’ve set aside for the express purpose of reading it as soon as I’m finished with my current book! My TBR stack is pretty massive, and I typically “categorize” them according to my moods. If I’ve read a pretty heavy book, I’ll usually head to the stack to look for something a little more fun and light. I usually plan ahead for the next three books or so, and then leave the rest up to fate!

When reviewing, I typically blog and update my info on LibraryThing the day after finishing a book. It’s something I love to do, so I don’t put it off! By that point I will have almost always started the next novel, but the continuity of it all is partially what makes it so fun!