Best-selling books of the last 15 years

I absolutely love lists! S. Krishna posted about USA TODAY’S top 150 best-selling books of the last 15 years, so I had to go through them and figure out how many I’ve read — of course! I’ve bolded everything I’ve checked out. That would be 33. Thirty three out of 150? I guess that’s all right. Check out the original article here!

I’m surprised to see so many “recent” books on the list: The Shack, The Last Lecture, Breaking Dawn, Eldest . . . not that they’re not all worthy of making the best-selling list! Not too many surprises on there, especially with Harry Potter dominating most of the top positions. Many of the titles are weight/nutrition guides, too, which makes sense. Working at the bookstore, I would only go a few hours without someone asking me for a weight loss guide . . . and definitely had enough of them.

And now, without further ado:

USA TODAY’s Best-Selling Books List Top 150 books
of the last 15 years

(Oct. 28, 1993 through Oct. 23, 2008)

Rank, Title, Author

1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre

2 Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution — Robert C. Atkins

3 The Da Vinci Code — Dan Brown

4 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre

5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre

6 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre

7 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre

8 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre

9 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre

10 Who Moved My Cheese? — Spencer Johnson

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