Five things on Friday


1. The gender reveal is ON for tonight! Our elective ultrasound on Wednesday was a success, and our technician was able to get Baby J to move enough to “clearly” tell what s/he is. The baby was initially hanging out on its belly, just like last time, and I had a moment of abject panic where I thought, “C’MON PLEASE NOT AGAIN.” Only because I’m ridiculous and impatient. But after a few minutes, we saw a little somersault and got the money shot. And we all find out tonight through a gender reveal cake! I. am. excited.

2. But in the midst of all that excitement . . . I’m dealing with my second cold of the winter season. The first came on in early December, and I’m pretty sure I never really got over that one? This has been one of my busiest work weeks in ages, and I’ve had to muster up every ounce of energy I have to get through it. Unmedicated. Also, I’ve gone through three boxes of tissues in two days . . . so. It’s fun hanging out with me!

3. I’ve become something of a magazine hoarder. Unintentionally, of course. Which magazines do y’all subscribe to? Glamour, Cooking Light and Southern Living regularly arrive in my mailbox. I have them all piled up in the office for a rainy day but, when I finally sit down to read, I almost always reach for my latest novel-in-progress instead. I want to get better about reading and passing them along, though; maybe that’s a good weekend project?

4. Speaking of projects, Spence and I have started looking at paint colors for the nursery. Regardless of whether we’re having a lady or lad, we know we don’t want a pink/blue explosion . . . so we’ve been playing around with a pretty pale purple for a girl or a very subtle blue for a boy. I guess nurseries need a “theme”? I don’t know. I think I want our theme to be, um, soothing and tranquil . . . after all, s/he won’t be paying as much attention to the room as we will. And we’ll be tired. For a little while, at least!

5. And just because shopping is fun, how cute is this little wooly egg doll? She’s reading! A book! I fell in love with the wooly guys when a good friend shared a link with me years ago, and bought her a set as a gift. I think they’re straight-up adorable.

Happy weekend, friends!

16 thoughts on “Five things on Friday

  1. Yay! So excited for you to find out tonight! I subscribe to a couple magazines, National Geographic Traveler, Entertainment Weekly, AllRecipes, and Indy Monthly. They hit most of my interests (travel, cooking, etc). Sometimes they stack up, but I love reading them while I’m watching TV with the Huz.


  2. I’m excited to find out too! We painted my daughter’s room (and later when we moved, the room the both of them shared) light yellow. Her theme was Bunnykins (I think it is a British based character) and generally bunnies. When we moved, their room was moon and stars. Very peaceful! It is so much fun decorating. I used to just sit in there when I was pregnant and rock in the chair and dream, without a thought to when they became teenagers! LOL! On the subject of magazines, I just don’t have time for them. I’ve trimmed them down now so that the only one I get is EW. I even dumped Food and Wine. I google and bookmark most of my recipes these days.


  3. I am a total zine junkie and/or hoarder! Always have been. There is nothing like a shiny new one in the mailbox(or, in my case, shiny new ones).

    I have always had tons of subscriptions, even when I had to pay for them. But, these days so many are available for free. I get People, EW, The New Yorker, Cosmo, Marie Claire, Glamour, Elle, Vogue, InStyle, Good Housekeeping…

    I prefer print over digital. I’ve gotten better about reading and discarding them but my pile is still pretty big. When I’m finished I put them in our condo building library. They are snapped up pretty quick.


  4. I can’t wait to hear about your gender reveal. My good friend is having hers tonight, too! Good luck picking paint…it’s so much fun. We went with a subtle blue for my little guy as well and paired it with a navy blue. Have a great weekend!


  5. Yay! I am so glad that the ultrasound worked this time. Is it a boy or a girl?

    I am very much a magazine hoarder too. The husband has been trying to get me to get rid of them, but I have been umm.. not that cooperative.


  6. Congrats! I saw on Facebook that you’re having a boy! As a mom to three of them, I can tell you that they are amazing! Please share nursery pics when you can 🙂


  7. I’m a magazine hoarder, too! It’s gotten out of control. The only magazine I consistently read the day it arrives is Entertainment Weekly. Everything else gets added to my “magazine basket” for the moment I have time to sit down with them. But when I have time to read, I inevitably end up picking up a book. It’s a problem – because I truly do love magazines but it’s such a waste to let them pile up. I finally canceled two subscriptions and gave myself a deadline on another magazine to get caught up OR ELSE. Haha!


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