A busy week


This little pretty just appeared near our porch!

As much as I don’t want to blog about why I haven’t been blogging, the week has already slipped away from me! A busy work schedule has kept me with a low-grade headache since Tuesday — and when I get home at night, I want to alternately collapse or continue working on the house.

And that’s precisely what I’ve been doing.

Spencer finished putting together our master closet last night — and it looks fantastic! We finished putting in the last closet bars around 8 p.m., and then I sprang like a coil trying to pull all our clothes from trash bags, side bedrooms and suitcases. I’ve kept my “everyday” clothes in a bag near the bed since we moved almost a month ago, and it felt so good to pull everything out and get organized.

Now I need to learn to use an iron . . . ’cause, yeah.

We don’t have any grand plans this weekend, but the weather promises to be nice and I expect we’ll be doing some work in the yard. The grass needs cutting, the weeds are threatening to take over my “flower beds” and I have a hunch we’ll be back at the farmers’ market again. Whatever we do, I’m just so relieved to be finishing with a few massive projects at the paper. Summer is always my busiest time, and compounding that with the chaos at home has been interesting.

But it’s almost done. Thank goodness.

Hoping y’all have a great weekend, and I’ll get my act together with some fresh book reviews, a possible home tour and whatever else I can cook up (literally) next week. See you then!

11 thoughts on “A busy week

  1. I’m glad its not just me who has struggled writing blog posts this week. I seem to have blinked and the weekend is upon me once more. I love it when things start to become organised once more. That reminds me I should go and put the kids clothes away!


  2. Anticipating the home tour! You guys really worked hard I can tell. But soon it will be over, and you can take a sip of tea in peace.


  3. Serenity will come soon. It has to. I mean, it is good to stay busy on the house, but in a less-demanding, little project kind of way. I’ve been away in IN for a couple of weeks, so now I’m in the throes of catching up with a million things that have accumulated. Blah.


  4. How pretty!
    I have to admit I don’t iron. Happily most everything I wear comes out of the dryer nice or hangs to dry well. Otherwise, if wrinkles don’t come out from hanging it in the bathroom, I don’t worry about it.


  5. Moving is just so taxing. And also so rewarding when you finally can see it all come together. Congrats on the closet; I know how important that particular part of the house can be. We are currently researching ideas to remodel our funky little closet.

    Enjoy the weekend, the summer weather, and whatever homey tasks you have planned for yourself!


  6. Oh I hate those low grade headaches. They just linger, don’t they? But it sounds like things are progressing with the house. I can’t wait to hear (and see) more about it!


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