Wordless Wednesday: Walking by the White House

White House

Jefferson statue



Lamp post

Executive office

Enjoying a presidential stroll in early May

20 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Walking by the White House

  1. Great pictures! As long as I’ve lived in MD, I’ve still never seen the White House. We’ve added it to our summer bucket list this year so hopefully we’ll be able to check it out soon!


    • Definitely check it out, Laura! Washington is a fun place to walk around, and the White House is quite picturesque. I’ve lived in Maryland since birth and still find new-to-me places, so no worries. 🙂


    • The blossoms are gone indeed, Kirsten — here and vanished too quickly in April! But they’re so gorgeous, and worth the wait. Thanks for the kind words!


    • Absolutely, Sandy. With temperatures now cracking 90 degrees (!), winter already feels like a bad dream . . . until we have to go through it again in six months, I guess. But I won’t worry about that yet. 😉


    • I think it is, Kay . . . the temperatures have been steadily creeping up into the 80s and 90s, so I think spring will be rather short-lived this year. But I’ll take the heat over our snowy, cold mess any day!


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