Wordless Wednesday: At the brink of the mighty Niagara


The brink


Niagara 1

The edge

Niagara 2

Visiting Niagara Falls on the Canadian side in April

19 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: At the brink of the mighty Niagara

    • Definitely a place to put on the travel bucket list, Kirsten. Though the American side is pretty, too, the Canadian side is where you’ll get the best views of the Horseshoe Falls and really bask in all that power!


  1. Super series!! Wow. Now you need to go back in the winter — the falls with ice and snow are amazing


  2. This is gorgeous! Wow! It’s hard to believe I have yet to visit Niagara falls, but it’s really high on my to-do list. Stunning pictures like yours remind me I have to start making plans for it real soon!


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