A day of love

Valentines heart

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends!

We’re all dug out from the snow and on the move here, and I’m hoping you all have a happy time celebrating the love you share with your significant others, family and friends. Preferably all of the above, right?

Spence is off today while I’m at the office, so I fully expect an epic culinary extravaganza when I get home — maybe with dark chocolate and a side of milk chocolate as an appetizer. That’s reasonable, I think. 😉

I felt this OMG PRESSURE earlier this week because it’s our first married Valentine’s, but honestly? I’m totally cool with just laying low and staying snuggled up at home, maybe with a movie or more Olympics coverage. I know we’re cooking in, so I will look forward to whatever surprise my chef-ly guy whips up!

Yes, I just said “chef-ly.” I don’t know.

Hugs to my lovely blog community today, too. I love and value our friendships, and I’m wishing you all a great day!

15 thoughts on “A day of love

  1. Have a great Valentine’s Day you two! Though I enjoy a good restaurant or a night at the movies, the snuggle-at-home is one of my favorite ways to celebrate too.


  2. Staying in really is the wise choice. V-Day on a Friday night is just asking for restaurants busting at the seams. We’re going over to friends, after popping open some champagne of course. Happy Valentines to the two of you!


  3. Hi Meg. I just found your blog and I’m really enjoying it. I’m new here at WordPress, so do you know any similar blogs to your that you follow? I’m anglophile as well and would love to live there again 🙂 x


  4. Just clicked the follow button. I only just joined wordpress and your blog is really that of true entertainment. Sadly I don’t have a valentine… >//< *wails*


  5. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too! I read a few stories and would like to read more, so much more, that I clicked “follow”. I agree on the stayin in and snuggling part


  6. Pingback: Valentine’s Day~Round up activity | To Be or Not to Be

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