Mail love from Arizona

If there’s something I love more than mail, I’m not quite sure what it is.

(Well, maybe Coke Slurpees. And pumpkin spice lattes. And books . . . but you get what I mean.)

When I first heard about The Snail Mail Collective, a postcard-and-small-present swap pairing bloggers in different locales, I jumped at the opportunity. Melyssa at The Nectar Collective helped organize a July theme in which we were encouraged to celebrate what makes our hometown — or home state — special. (And by the way, Melyssa’s site is awesome.)

To my delight, I was paired with the lovely Cassie of Sage, a California-turned-Arizona girl who is also engaged and planning her wedding as we speak! She’s a kick-butt student preparing to get her PhD in Missouri and someone who loves the great outdoors, and her healthy living and positive attitude are contagious.

Her package arrived at the perfect time and was incredibly sweet: fantastic (and delicious!) prickly pear cactus honey; silver and turquoise earrings indicative of the Southwest (so pretty); and a pine cone celebrating Flagstaff’s diverse natural elements (so different from the desert!). Cassie’s gifts were incredibly thoughtful, and I’m stoked to slather that honey on  . . . well, everything.


If you’re interested in playing along in August, sign-ups are open now through August 7. And if you want to check out what I sent Cassie from the good ol’ Old Line State (hint: it’s tasty), check it out over at Sage!

6 thoughts on “Mail love from Arizona

  1. This is SO COOL! Well if I sent someone a package from Florida, it wouldn’t be too tough to figure out what I would send! I may do this someday, but definitely not August (the month I always fear will bring on a nervous breakdown!).


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