A breather


Between my hectic work schedule, trip packing and a myriad of other little fires to put out, I’ve been living out the “barely have time to think” cliche. So it’s time to get myself together and take a breather — a real one — over this long holiday weekend.

We’re off to visit Spencer’s family tomorrow and, because I’m nowhere near organized to have scheduled posts ahead this week, write meg! will feature a little radio static until next Thursday. I generally don’t like to disappear on y’all, but I can barely hold my head above water right now. And a huge wave is cresting the horizon.

I’ll be back — with photos and stories and book reviews because, surprisingly, I am getting some reading done! (A little. A bit. But enough.) And I don’t think I’m alone in looking forward to a plane ride for the uninterrupted time with a novel, right? Eh, hopefully Spence has a magazine. I don’t imagine I’m going to be much of a conversationalist.

Happy Memorial Day to my American friends — and may we all take some time this weekend to remember those who gave all for our freedom. I’ll see you next week!

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