Wordless Wednesday: Cloudy day on the farm

Enjoying a fun but rainy day at Spider Hall Farm in Calvert County, Maryland.
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24 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Cloudy day on the farm

  1. You really take the most amazing photos…have you thought of this as a career? And this reminds me of home. I loved it when a storm would blow in on the farm.


  2. Beautiful pictures that remind me there is life, and land, outside of this suburb I live in. Especially like that last picture,..


  3. Seriously, your pictures are just so amazing. I look forward to viewing them every week and can no longer lurk in the background! Reminds me of home so much – gotta love rural America.


  4. Hey Meg, I’ve been traveling like crazy lately and getting ready to move, but wanted to say a quick hello! These photos are just gorgeous. And I really love the profile picture up there in the sidebar, you look so pretty =) Have a great weekend!


  5. Meg, your photos take me back to scenes I saw over the 18 years I traveled our country through 48 states. Time and again, the silos, barns and water towers brought a feeling of togetherness for me as a fellow American among strong-valued farming community people.
    There was always a ballpark at the edge of someone’s crop field, too.


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