Wordless Wednesday: National Book Festival and the White House

On Saturday and Sunday, readers and other bookish types flocked downtown for the National Book Festival. Though I didn’t spend as much time there as in the past, we dodged some raindrops and heard a few authors speak in between playing tourist at other famous sites — like the White House.

19 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: National Book Festival and the White House

  1. It seems totally right that there is a literary festival right there in the middle of the capitol. I’d love to attend one day, maybe in six or seven years when I can come and go as I please!


  2. Beautiful pictures – I especially like the one of the White House. I’m always too far away to attend the NBF, but luckily Boston has a book festival of its own in a few weeks.


    • Missed you, too, but it was very gross out! It rained really hard the night before and everything was saturated. By the afternoon it was crazy humid and gross, and everything was crowded. Ack!


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