Vacation snapshots

beachBack from another grand adventure — this time to North Carolina! I stay at a beach house with my extended family each summer, and we always have fun riding the waves, reading, eating out, chatting and generally lounging about in the sunshine. It wasn’t quite as warm this year as it has been in years past — it was a record 100 degrees in N.C. this time last year! — but that didn’t bother me so much. That just meant I was sweating less which, let’s face it, is a good thing!

One outstanding moment of this year’s trip? I went boogie-boarding for the first time with my sister and cousin! My idea of “spending time on the shore” usually includes me with a book in hand, dipping my toes in the water and dodging an errant wave that dares to actually get my bathing suit wet. But this year, at my uncle’s urging, I actually submerged myself in the water (after getting my book to safety first, of course!) and had a lot of fun “swimming” around (read: kicking my feet on the sandy bottom and using the board as leverage). I don’t have any photographic evidence of this activity, but my mom — an outstanding photographer — got snapshots of that and other adventures, including one to prove just how far my nose was in Megan McCafferty’s Fourth Comings!

I managed to only finish one book while I was away: Hyatt Bass’s The Embers. Ironically, this was the only book I didn’t mention on my beach reads post! It was a review copy I was struggling to finish, and I tossed it in my bag at the last minute. I figured I give it my undivided attention while at the beach, a requirement for me to able to polish that one off. I was right — I found the book difficult to get through. My review will be posted tomorrow, which coincides with its publication date! I also worked my way through McCafferty’s novel and started Sarah Dessen’s Along For The Ride, which I’m enjoying so far! I didn’t get to the others, I’m sorry to say.

And now — the good stuff! Random vacation snapshots. All of my favorite photos can be found on my Flickr page.









9 thoughts on “Vacation snapshots

  1. Sounds like you had lots of fun! 😀 I’m really looking forward to hear your thoughts on Dessen’s last book (I’m currently collecting my pennies, hoping I can get it soon!)

    And your have some awesome pictures! I thought that the black and white one of the beach (here named beach_bw, or “on the beach” on your flickr) looked like a book cover! I think it reminds me of Dessen’s “Someone like you”‘s cover. 🙂


    • Aw, thank you Kay! I take that as a supreme compliment 🙂 I’m working my way through Along For The Ride now, but I’m having a hard time putting down Fourth Comings long enough to enjoy it. But updates coming soon!


  2. I’ve been longing to go to NC – I’ve never been there, but it looks wonderful! Good for you for getting out on the boogie board!


  3. Those are some fantastic photos! I especially love the very last one of the sunset and the one of the seashells up close. I’m glad you had a good vacation 🙂


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